“Are you sure you’re ready to have this baby,” a close friend asked, “This baby will literally be your everything.”
I love myself first.
My goals, health and needs come first
above every one else, including Jarren.
This won’t be any different.
As I said many, many times before,
I am with the person I love,
I do what I love everyday.
I am in a place where I am emotionally, mentally and financially okay.
Just because I don’t believe in giving up my life for my child, doesn’t mean I’m not ready.
A child is not your everything
as your partner isn’t your everything.
They are part of my life
Not my life.
If I’m not happy, how would I be capable of raising a child in a healthy environment?
There will be no “sacrifice” there will be compromise.
I am my own womxn first.
I am my own individual person before I am anything else.
Motherhood will be
PART of who I am.
NOT who I am.
I will embody everything I dream of them to be.
Guilt me. I’m ready for the #momshame