SUNDAY, JUNE 9 from 12:30 PM to 2 PM

Next Workshop: TBA

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Do you feel like you have too many options and too many ideas? Do you often find that you are stuck in stillness trying to decide what to do next? You’ve done the work, you know who you are but something still feels disconnected? 

What this workshop solves:

In this workshop “Start with Soul”, I teach you how to connect who you are with your dream life. Together, we reduce the outside noise and build from your core beliefs. We map your exact next steps so that you can live with purpose. No more wandering aimlessly trying to figure out what to do next..

who is it for:


This workshop is for the dreamers, the storytellers, the ones who cares for others first. Who feels that the 9-5 is not for them. The ones who goes against the grain and wants to nurture their soul after following “the rules” for so long.

This is our process:

1 visualize your dream life

Have you created Vision Boards or thought of Your Perfect Day? Dive deep into why you chose specific things, places and milestones on your vision board.

2 figuring out the facts

Learn about what makes you You. Everyone has a story of how they got to where they are now. Your unique story guides your everyday choices. This step is the foundation of your map.

3 Who are you, really?

Identify what areas are dictated by others opinions and hone in what your true desires are. We sift through the noise and listen to your heart.

4 Building from your core

Love, money and family are all connected. We'll refine your vision board based on what you're deeply connected to.

5 Mapping your next steps

It's time to put it to the test! Learn about different ways to connect your core systems, desires and beliefs and turn it into a career that you'll love.

6 living with purpose

Calendars, time management and seasons. This is where we look at your life realistically. We align our time with purpose to find harmony in our lives.

What's included:

in-person workshop

start with soul

the little moons studio downtown

This is an in-person 1.5 hour workshop that will be recorded. After the workshop, you will have access to an edited version without pauses and breaks. It will include a powerpoint presentation and PDF workbooks.

Please bring a notebook and pen.

  • 3 hour in person workshop
  • 6 Detailed Workbook PDF’s
  • Detailed Step-by-Step Guide
  • Lifetime access to the recorded workshop
  • Up to 6 in-person attendees
  • Snacks & Refreshments


$50 to 80 +gst

What OTHERS have said